
Guide to Butterfly Watching


Butterfly Watching

    Butterfly watching is a new activity, which is just started in Thailand. It is becoming quickly popular to nature lover because the magnificent wings of butterfly are more beautiful than any other types of animal. Sometimes, visitors can find a school of hundreds of butterflies in which the visitors can get closer when the butterflies are still not moving during eating.

    Butterfly Watching Equipment The main butterfly watching equipments are :

    Magnifying Glass is a tool for seeing closer detail of a butterfly. It should have handle and 7-10 centimeters of diameter.

    Butterfly Watching Manual is a book providing illustration and information of each type of butterfly in which will be useful for sorting the type of a butterfly found correctly.

    Record Book is a book for recording details of a butterfly such as color, strips of wings, behaviors etc.

Preparing :

    Well preparing will enable visitors to find butterfly easily. When going out to find butterfly, visitors should dress in outfit harmonious with nature, not easily observed by butterfly, and in which visitors can get closer to that butterfly, such as in green, gray or brown color outfit. The outfit should be long-sleeves shirt, full-length trouser for protecting visitors from sunlight and prickle. Shoes should be comfort shoes with socks to prevent graze during walking. Moreover, if going to watch butterfly on high mountain, visitors should bring woolen coat in winter and raincoat in the rains.

Time for Watching Butterfly :

    visitors can see butterflies all day because each type of butterflies is different in function. However, the best time is in the morning because the butterflies will warm their wings on the sunlight before going to live their lives. Therefore, at that time, butterfly lover can closely observe the butterflies, after that the butterflies will fly so fast while they live their lives and be easily alarmed. Except when going with luck, visitors can find butterflies eating on flowers, especially, of shrubs along the route. In addition, there are often found schools of hundreds of butterflies in wet area, on wet sand and soil near streams, and other large butterfly feeding places. That is the best opportunity for watching butterfly.

    Butterfly, in general, flies so fast, or not permits anyone to get closer, thus, when the butterflies are alarmed and fly away, that butterfly lover must be patient and wait for chance, because the butterflies should be landing in the area nearby. In dull and rainy day, very cold or high humidity, the butterflies are rarely found in function. Therefore, butterfly lover should try watching them on leaves of shrub or trees.

Where to watch butterfly

    Butterfly can be found everywhere in Thailand. It can be found not only in flower garden and fields near local people's home but also in the national parks, which have many types of butterflies live, especially in Kang Kachan National Park, Khao Yai National Park, Thung Salang Luang National Park, Doi Khuntan National Park, Erawan National Park and Mae Wa National Park for examples.


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