How to Travel in Thailand National Park - Part 2

Biting and Stinging Insect : Urban-living visitors may be familiar with mosquito, but when traveling to the national parks, they should prepare themselves to face other types of insect. Many insects are only annoying, but some insects are dangerous by their stingers, which cause pain when the visitors are stung, such as bees, hornet and wasp, and few insects cause illness come with death such as malaria-carrying mosquito. Not only that, there are also other small animals which give visitors very painful condition by their poison when the visitors are bitten or stung, such as, centipede and scorpion. In addition, disgusting and annoying leech, in fact, which causes no harm, only bites and dines on our blood and leaves us only a sign when it is full and away. But even more annoying is wild tick, in which after biting us, it continuously dines on our blood long before we are aware of it. The best way to protect ourselves from these small animals is to be in well-fitting outfit, for examples, dress in long sleeve shirt and full-length trouser, and wear shoes and socks.
For dreadful animals which visitors might have found, there are many types of snake, some of which are poisonous, and can hardly specify which type of snake they are. When finding a snake barred on our route, we have the good ways to deal with this situation, such as, taking a detour far around the snake, or waiting until it moves away. Please note that most of wild animals do not attack human first, they may attack when being bothered, even intending or not intending, by human. So please carefully walk and well observe on the way.
The bad luck for sea lover is to be poisoned by some types of sea animal, for examples, Portuguese man-of-war, spiny of Genus Murex, and sea hornet etc, which causes a red rash, very itchy or sore and painful condition. To solve that problem is to use vinegar to pour onto the wound to ease pain. If wounded by coral or shipworms, please clean the wound and apply antiseptic.
How to Travel : Many national parks have traveling service center, usually located near the national park's office, including officers to give the area's information in which visitors should know when first entering the area. Most of the national parks have traveling places allowed traveling by visitors, for example, waterfalls, caves, beaches, and viewpoints. Some parks have trekking trail for visitors to use for enjoying trekking and studying nature along the route, which has many interesting plants and animals. In addition, there are more activities that are popular with visitors such as birding, watching butterfly, trekking trail, rafting and boating etc. Anyone interested should prepare knowledge of the activities for traveling with pleasurable condition including getting more knowledge and understanding of the nature.
Leave Nothing but Footprints : The national parks have their main purpose not only for recreation but also for preserve natural resources such as plants, animals, and beautiful places and sceneries. Therefore, visitors traveling there should strictly follow the instructions below.
Do not make loud noise or bother wild animals and other visitors, all of which has the equal right in search of peaceful life in the national park.
Do not write on any places, it is not only objectionable but also showing the bad behavior of the visitors.
Do not take plant, flower, stone, animal and other things out of the national park, all of which are the important parts of the nature in national parks. Therefore, everyone has the equal right in enjoying them.
Dumb garbage in the garbage pails provided by the national park. It will be better if visitors also help in taking gasbags found in any areas to dumb in the garbage pails if they could.
watch out for centipedes.........
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