Camping can be fun, but before the fun starts you need to select the proper area and make it safe. The area for the tent should be clear of brush, so that the only thing you’ll be burning is the camp fire. Besides that, it just makes it a lot easier to get around. Your camp should be located near a stand of trees, so that you will be able to get a good supply of wood for the fire. Again make sure you’re a safe distance away and there is no danger of a forest fire. Many times the only place to make camp is in a wooded area. The same rules still apply, but also make sure there are no low branches to get caught in while swinging an ax.
Don’t set a tent under any tree that has loose limbs that could blow down in a high wind and crush everything. Making camp under very tall trees should be avoided if possible because they can drawlightning. Another thing to consider is a supply of water. You need to be near it, but you don’t want to be too close to drown in it. The area may look safe now, but what happens if there is a lot of rain? Keep the tent on high ground in case there is a flash flood. Camp gear, boxes, coolers and utensils should be stored in a safe place away from the fire and traffic areas. Also you may have to level the pathways making sure that you are not tripping over tree roots and dirt mounds. Saplings should be cut off at or below ground level.
Everyone likes a good campfire. If possible a ring of stones can be placed in a circle for the fire. In places where there are no stones, dig a small depression and line the fire area with the dirt you dug out. Remember to keep a bucket of water handy in case the sparks carry in the wind. Don’t forget when you break camp to put that bucket of water on the fire and burry it. The things I‘ve mentioned in this article may seem obvious to the seasoned camper. Remember camping is a lot of fun, so it doesn’t hurt to be reminded of how to make the safe campsite.
Don’t set a tent under any tree that has loose limbs that could blow down in a high wind and crush everything. Making camp under very tall trees should be avoided if possible because they can drawlightning. Another thing to consider is a supply of water. You need to be near it, but you don’t want to be too close to drown in it. The area may look safe now, but what happens if there is a lot of rain? Keep the tent on high ground in case there is a flash flood. Camp gear, boxes, coolers and utensils should be stored in a safe place away from the fire and traffic areas. Also you may have to level the pathways making sure that you are not tripping over tree roots and dirt mounds. Saplings should be cut off at or below ground level.
Everyone likes a good campfire. If possible a ring of stones can be placed in a circle for the fire. In places where there are no stones, dig a small depression and line the fire area with the dirt you dug out. Remember to keep a bucket of water handy in case the sparks carry in the wind. Don’t forget when you break camp to put that bucket of water on the fire and burry it. The things I‘ve mentioned in this article may seem obvious to the seasoned camper. Remember camping is a lot of fun, so it doesn’t hurt to be reminded of how to make the safe campsite.
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