
Introducing to Photographing



National Parks have many beautiful areas such as mountains, lakes. Grass fields, jungles, plants, flowers, and wild lives that attract the visitors to take pictures.


Presently, to take photos is not difficult as there is many comfort tools for selecting.

#Camera The more comfortable camera is 35 mm, both in compact or manual that can zoom in or adjust the focus.

#Lenses the suitable lenses for taking a picture of mountain and waterfall should be 24, 28, and 35 mm depend on the need pf the photographers. Currently, there is 20-35 mm that is very good and more comfortable to carry.

#Macro Lenses For any who loves to take pictures of very small flowers, or animals, macro lenses is more suited as well as for any animals that can not be closed easily. The narrow of picture is also suited for take pictures of views such as trees, or waterfall

#Flash In case of less light such as in the jungle, it will work as the sunlight and show the color of objects.

#Camera Stand It is very important for help to hold the photo. A suitable stand should have a proper size and not too heavy as well as can carry easily.

#Film The most important thing is film. If want to keep the picture, the color film will be more comfortable to develop and not too expensive as slide film.

Do and Don't

#Don't change or move anything
#Remembering the peaceful of animal should come first, avoiding annoying the animals.


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